4-8 juin Mammifères marins et acoustique (Sorbonne université)

4-8 juin Mammifères marins et acoustique (Sorbonne université)

The 8th International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of marine mammals using passive acoustics will take place at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France, 4-8 June 2018.

The DCLDE Workshop brings together researchers and engineers from universities, research institutes, government organizations, and industry, dealing with all aspects of acoustics, signal processing, pattern recognition, mathematics, and computer sciences applied to the study of the biology, ethology and ecology of marine mammals and also their environment and the potential effects of anthropogenic activities. The goal is to provide a forum for exchange of new results obtained from the latest advances in instrumentation and from the recent methods. Also this workshop will clearly encourage interdisciplinary approaches to create more knowledge on these species.




Scientific Committee

The members of the scientific committee are researchers from different scientific areas and from different research Teams. The roles of these members are:to review the submitted abstract, then to accept for an oral presentation or as a poster, or to reject it
to animate the oral thematic sessions, as chairman according to their scientific interests
These members are (alphabetic order)

  • Underwater acoustics
    ASCH Mark, LAMFA, Université de Picardie, France
    CRISTINI Paul, LMA, Marseille, France
    FRASIER Kait Frasier, Scripps Whale Acoustic Lab, San Diego, USA
    GERVAISE Cédric, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
    KINDA Bazile, SHOM, Brest, France
    LE COURTOIS Florent, SHOM, Brest, France
    NOVAK Antonin, LAUM, Le Mans, France
    SILVA Fabrice, LMA, Marseille, France
    ŠIROVIĆ Ana, Scripps, UCSD, USA
    STEPHAN Yann, SHOM, Brest, France
    THODE Aaron, Scripps, USA
    VAN PARIJS Sofie, NOAA Federal, USA
    Signal Processing
    ADAM Olivier, UPMC Institut d’Alembert, Paris, France
    DI IORIO Lucia, Chorus Acoustics, Grenoble, France
    DUGAN Peter, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
    DRÉMEAU Angélique, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France
    GERARD Odile, DGA Techniques Navales, Toulon, France
    GILLESPIE Douglas, St Andrews, UK
    LAPLANCHE Christophe, EcoLab, INP-ENSAT, Toulouse, France
    LEFORT Riwal, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France
    LOSSENT Julie, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
    MARS Jérôme, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
    MELLINGER David, HMSC, Oregon State University, USA
    MORRISSEY Ronald, NUWC, Newport, USA
    SAMARAN Flore, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France
    STAFFORD Kate, APL, University of Washington, USA
    WHITE Paul, ISVR, University of Southampton, UK
    ZARADER Jean-Luc, ISIR UPMC, Paris, France
    Pattern Recognition
    DOH Yann, Dirac, France
    GLOTIN Hervé, LIS, Toulon, France
    KLINCK Holger, Cornell, USA
    MERCADO Eduardo, University at Buffalo, New York, USA
    MOUY Xavier, Jasco, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Univ. of Victoria, Canada
    OBIN Nicolas, Ircam, Paris, France
    ROCH Marie, San Diego State University, USA
    Density Estimation
    HARRIS Danielle, CREEM, University of St Andrews, UK
    MARQUES Tiago, CREEM, University of St Andrews, UK
    THOMAS Len, CREEM, University of St Andrews, UK
    BAUMGARTNER Mark, Biology Department, Woods Hole, USA
    CAZAU Dorian, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France
    GLOTIN Hervé, LIS, Toulon, France
    PAVAN Gianni, CIBRA, Pavia, Italy
    SUEUR Jérôme, MNHN, Paris, France
    Biology, ethology, ecology, genetics of marine mammals
    CHARRIER Isabelle, Neuro-PSI, France
    CURÉ Charlotte, CEREMA, France
    DELFOUR Fabienne, LEEC, Paris, France
    JUNG Jean-Luc, BioGeMME, Brest, France

Challenge committee

The roles of the members of the challenge committee are:setup the dataset on the website
exchange with the contributors
animate the session dedicated to the results of the challenge
These members are (alphabetic order):ADAM Olivier, UPMC, Paris
CAZAU Dorian, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest
GLOTIN Hervé, LIS, Toulon
HILDEBRAND John, Scripps, San Diego
RICARD Julien, LIS, Toulon

Organizing committee

ADAM Olivier, UPMC, Paris
DOH Yann, Association Dirac, Paris
PRÉVOT Jean-Marc, UTLN, Toulon (web pages)

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